Clive is an enthusiastic and popular* speaker with a passion for Ireland’s history and the ability to engage with an audience, large or small, on a wide range of subjects.

*and very dapper!


Since 1995 Clive has written 14 books, primarily about Ireland’s history where he highlights and celebrates the often forgotten contributions of women.


Clive is an enthusiastic and popular speaker who is always lively and engaging. Get in touch if you’re planning your organisation’s upcoming programme.


Let your group be expertly guided around the Easter Rising sites in Dublin or on unique tours of Killyleagh and the Lecale area of county Down.

When leading our school groups to the Easter Rising sites in Dublin, the students have always been delighted with his commentary and his expert analysis of the events of 1916.
Royal Belfast Academical Institution

About Clive

In 1995, following a long career social work and involvement with Scouting, Clive graduated from Queen’s University, Belfast with a Master’s degree in Irish Studies. That opened the door to a new career in giving talks and writing, which he continues to pursue to this day.

As well as annual classes at Stranmillis Clive gives talks to many and varied audiences; schools, local history groups, Women’s Institutes, Probus clubs and more have all repeatedly engaged Clive over many years. His list of topics is vast and he has the ability to engage with an audience, large or small, in lively debate whatever the topic. Whilst Clive specialises in Ireland’s 20th century history, his knowledge extends to the many and varied crises of Ireland’s turbulent 19th century as well.

The list of topics that he can talk about goes far beyond what is listed here. He encourages participation in his lectures – in fact he prefers to call them talks or conversations – and is keen to help everyone learn more by reading further into the subjects he talks about. He wants his audiences to go away feeling enthusiastic about the country’s history, to read more about its fascinating past and make up their own minds on the events discussed. To Clive history can be fun and, whilst some events are obviously tragic, he insists that there are, in every situation, tragicomic interludes which help to alleviate the otherwise wearisome effects of history for history’s sake.