Aideen Gore-Booth spent the last two decades of her life lovingly escorting members of the general public around a rather forlorn Lissadell.
Her memoirs depict the trials and difficulties of what it was like to keep the house open whilst, at the same time, still taking pride in what she considered was the right and proper thing to do.
When reading these memoirs, which have received only very slight edits, Aideen’s simple and naïve style of writing becomes obvious. The words are those of a gentle and caring woman; they are the thoughts of a Gore-Booth whose aim in life was to serve her family and her community.
From Clive’s introduction:
It seemed sad and poignant that these words of Aideen Gore-Booth might have been read by only a few people. It was thus my intention to bring these memoirs to the attention of those who remain interested in the legacy of that distressed generation of the Gore-Booths.
Published: July 2014